Articles on: Orders

Unverified Addresses


When you create an order, the address input will be automatically verified based on the address format. If the required information is filled in, the address can be verified and proceeded to further steps.

Please ensure that the address is valid by checking on or

If all required information are all filled in and it says address unverified, you can follow the instructions below:
Double-check the whole address. You can check the address via Google Map, Google search or on website
In case it all shows that the address is valid, you can manually verify the address on Gearment app following below instructions

Option 1: Edit address select in case you would like to change the address information

Click to the order ID on Gearment app to enter the order details → click edit button → change address infomation → Save and Verify Address
After that you can continue with other actions such as match product → approve order → payment order

Option 2: Mark As Valid select in case you confirm the address is correct and would like to quickly proceed with address verification

Click to the order ID on Gearment app to enter the order details → click Mark As Valid
After that you can continue with other actions such as match product → approve order → payment order

Updated on: 10/05/2023

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