How To Connect Your Shopify Store To Gearment App?
How To Connect Your Shopify Store To Gearment App?
I. Create your Shopify account
Head over to and create an account if you don’t have one yet. Shopify offers 14 days free trial and no credit card is required for those who want to explore the market before officially jumping into. By entering your email and clicking Start free trial, you can start your own Shopify business.

Set up your store
When you start, you’ll be prompted to enter your store name, which will become your default URL (e.g.,
Fill in store information
Set up languages, billing, and shipping
Choose a theme, logo, and slideshow for your store
Set up the menu bar and navigation bar
II. Connect your Shopify store to Gearment
Method A:
Go to the admin page on your Shopify store → search for Gearment

Click Gearment: Print on Demand → Click Install to connect your Shopify store to Gearment app

Enter your store’s name

Method B
Go to menu Store on your Gearment app → choose Connect Store → Shopify → Next

Click Install app to confirm the installation

Enter your store’s name

III. Create your product and sync it to Shopify store
Click My Products → All Products → Create New Product → Choose product → Fill in product details
See more details to create a new product
Choose product → Click More Actions → Sync Products → OK

Choose Shopify and store → Click “Continue”

Product synchronized successfully on your Shopify store

IV. Sync orders from your Shopify store to Gearment app
Manual order sync: Go to Order → All order → Create new order → Sync order → Choose platform Shopify → Select a time period → Choose store → Click on Sync order

Auto sync order: You can Connect new store Shopify to Gearment app and turn on Automatic synchronization when new orders, orders will be directly auto synced to Gearment app.
See how to connect your store to Gearment app

V. Match, approve and payment order
Match product: select order → More actions → Match product → review order’s information → Save
Approve order: select order → More actions → Approve order
Payment order: select order → More actions → Make payment

Note: 24-48 hours after your successful payment, the tracking number will be automatically updated on the Gearment order tab and synchronized to your merchant Shopify.
Updated on: 10/19/2023
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