World First
How to make a transfer to Zyla Account
1. Register Zyla Account
Register Zyla account: here
Refferal ID: 10259
2. Find your Zyla Account receiving ID
Log in to Zyla Account → Click on the upper right corner to visit My Account page

After entering My Account page, you can view the Zyla Account receiving ID, which can be used for transfer between Zyla Accounts.

3. How to transfer to Zyla Account
On the navigation, click on Payment → Click on** Make A Payment** → Choose Transfer to Zyla Account

Please enter the payee's Zyla Account receiving ID on the page
Gearment Zyla receiving number: Zyla-281034151180644001740309

After successfully making payment, please contact support team and send transaction id to complete top up to G-Wallet.
Updated on: 04/01/2024
Thank you!